The Routes4Life provision aims to meet the needs of Post 19 students who have special educational needs and disabilities [SEND]. We provide support for young people to access one-year, outcomes focused, individualised study programmes appropriate to their needs so that they can make a purposeful transition into their adult lives.
It is important that young people moving into adult life maximise their experiences and opportunities. A successful transition requires specialist, outcomes focused support to develop the links, relationships, support networks and experiences. This provision has been designed to create individualised learning for young people to transition into either employment, supported living or a community learning programme or a combination of these.
Being supported towards greater independence and employability can be life-transforming for young people with SEN. This support should...centre around the young person’s own aspirations, interests and needs. (7.37, P120 SEND Code of Practice Jan 15)
Personal Learning Goals (PLG) are used for assessment and progress tracking for the development of essential skills for achieving independence, these goals are a breakdown of the individual student's long-term outcomes on their EHCP.
Through the EHCP and planning process, we seek to understand the interests, strengths and motivations of each young person and use this as a basis for identifying the appropriate pathway(s). We identify the support the young person needs to achieve their aspirations and identify the elements that we need to include in their study programme to best prepare them for their next steps into adult life and maximise opportunities for their transition year.
Programmes include support for students to develop skills which prepare them for work, such as communication and social skills, using assistive technology, and independent travel training (where appropriate). Internal enterprise projects are also used to develop work related skills in practical and accessible ways.
These functional skills are age-appropriate and are used every day for typical activities and routines that are essential for independence. The long term aim for learners with a range of disabilities should be to reach their full potential and be as independent as possible. Functional skills are the key to this goal.
Routes4Life does not have a uniform, students are encouraged to wear clothes and shoes that are suitable for accessing the community. Students will be asked to contribute to the cost of shopping and external activities.
Each student will receive a tailored programme of study which will be assessed throughout the one year course duration and defined by their Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)
(Students attend Routes4Life 5 days per week during term time from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.)
The features of each individualised programme will include:
And could include: